Juan Carlos Nunez
Juan was born in the Region del Maule. His curiosity for our sport arose after watching his father and cousins catching fish on the coast as young boy. This curiosity lead to a focussed dedication that would ultimately transform and shape his life some twenty years later in the guise of Persica camps.
Juan started taking fly fishing seriously at the age of 16 with the criteria of hooking and landing a trophy fish, rather than looking for large numbers. As his passion for fly fishing exploration took a hold he eventually found his way to Chilean Patagonia. This was it for Juan, the place he had been dreaming of. Drawn in by the majesty of the surroundings, the inhospitable terrain and the discovery of often virgin waters, in which, runs of monster king salmon entered the rivers each season. The decision was made to permanently move with his family to Chiloe Island some twelve years ago and from that point Juan honed his skills exploring and catching huge King Chrome salmon on the fly, often with the expense of a smashed rod. With his sense of adventure Juan wanted one thing, to share and offer fly fisherman from around the globe the experience of his discoveries, so he started his Persica adventure fishing camps, situated on the the Mon and Chrome rivers. Juan is a truly dedicated fisherman and an incredible guide who loves nothing more than landing a monster King with his guests, and to this day he is still exploring the vast wilderness in search of the next adventure fly fish experience.